Saturday, March 5, 2011

Circle 7: Sodomy, Usury (Canto 15, 16, 17)

Violence against Art & Nature: Sodomy (raining fire) & Usury


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Knowing that Dante has been banished from Florence, why do you think he somewhat disregards Latini's prediction of Dante's success and honor instead of being happy/accepting the prediction? (Canto 15, page 123)

    What do you think Dante means when he says "Seeming to me like one of those who run competing for the green cloth in the races upon Verona's field- and of them, like one who gains the victory, not one who loses" (Canto 15, page 125, line 118)

    Symbolizing Reason on Dante's journey, why do you think Virgil let Dante converse with the sinners freely without any supervision in what is the 'worst' and most dangerous level of hell thus far? (Canto 17, page 137, line 31)

    What is the significance of the purses the sinners hold, and why are there depictions of animals on them? (Canto 17, page 137)

  3. Why do you think that the Sodomites in the Seventh Circle of Hell are given the punishment of burns and flames?

    What is the significance of having Geryon take Virgil and Dante into the next circle?

    Why do you think that as we travel deeper through hell, the punishments go from the freezing cold, to the blazing hot?

    In what circle do you think Dante would be place if he were to end up in Hell?

  4. Do you think the punishment fits the crimes? Should this ring be higher or lower in the levels of hell?

    How does Dante feel about Brunetto Latini and why is he significant?

    What do lines 89-90 of Canto XV say about Dante's character and what he believes? ("I say: so long as conscience is not betrayed, / I am prepared for Fortune to do her will.")

    Had this book been written today, would sodomy and usury be punishable crimes? Why or why not?

    Dante Alighieri put usurers in the 7th level of hell. Shakespeare made Shylock the antagonist of 'The Merchant of Venice' because he was a money-lender. Does today's society feel as strongly about usurers? Are there examples?

    In Canto VII, what do lines 49-51 mean? ("Each had a purse hung round his neck--adorned / with certain colors and a certain device, / which each of them with hungry eyes consumed.)

    Is Geryon a fitting guardian for this circle?
