Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Circle 3 Gluttons


  1. 1. Do you think gluttonous people deserve to be sent to the third circle of hell? If not, should they be sent to a deeper circle, a shallower circle, or not be sent to hell at all?

    2. How are the conditions in the third circle? Do the punishments that the gluttonous people face fit their sin?

    3. What does Cerberus represent? Why is Cerberus in the third circle?

  2. !. What is the punishment for the gluttons? Describe the scene.(pg. 45 lines 6-11)
    2. How did Dante and Virgil pass Cerberus?
    3. Name some famous gluttons.
    4. Do you think being extremely excessive and extremely conservative (both share the meaning of gluttony) should have the same punishment? Are these two extremes equally bad?
    5. What is something that you do that can be labeled as being gluttonous? (Excessively eating, playing, sleeping)

  3. 1. How does the gluttonous peoples' punishment correspond to their sins?

    2. Why does Ciacco want Dante to remember him when Dante returns back to the human world?

  4. 1. How is being gluttonous considered a sin?

    2. How does Dante view gluttony?

    3. Who is Ciacco and why is he mentioned?

    4. How do the souls here regard each other?

    5. How does Cerberus relate to gluttony?
