Sunday, February 27, 2011

Circle #2/ Lustful Discussion Questions

Francesca and Paolo


Post questions here for Circle 2 THE LUSTFUL


  1. 1. What is Minos' role? How does he carry out his role?
    2. "A bellowing like the ocean turbulent in a storm of warring winds, the hurricane of Hell in perpetual motion sweeping the ravaged spirits as it rends, twists, and torments them...foundering in the wind's rough buffetings, upward or downward, driven here and there with never ease from pain nor hope of rest."--Why do you think Dante chooses this specific punishment for the lustful?
    3. If everyone who was lustful up until today was put into circle 2, would you feel pity for all of them?
    4. What do you think happened to Francesca and her lover's murderer?
    5. "Love, which absolves none who are loved from loving, made my heart burn with joy so strong that as you see it cleaves still to him."--What do you think this means?

  2. 1. Dante descends into the second circle of hell-the lustful, those who have sinned in carnal things. Do you think the second circle of hell is a reasonable place to send the lustful? Do you think these sinners deserve to be placed in a deeper circle of hell or even be banished to a circle in hell at all?
    2. "Beware how you come in and whom you trust,/ Don't be deceived because the gate is wide."- Minos to Dante. What does Minos mean? Why is the gate so wide?
    3. "And great Achilles, the hero whom love slew/ In his last battle." What do you think this means? Is it Achilles' lust for battle or an actual woman?
    4. Do you think Francesca and Paolo's love is real? Francesca was bound in an unloving marriage. Was she "in love" with Paolo? Or in love with the "idea" of being in love?
    5. Dante feels pity toward these sinners. What do you feel toward the sinners of lust? Does their punishment seem fair or unfair to you?
